
Shipping is a crucial part of the e-commerce experience, and Penni Cart gives you the flexibility to customize shipping options to suit your store's needs and enhance customer satisfaction.

Please note that this section/document is still Work in Progress. It might be updated, revised, or changed entirely in the near future.

Standard Shipping Method:

  • Non-Removable but Customizable: The standard shipping method is a staple in your shipping options. While it can't be deleted, its name and value are fully customizable to align with your shipping strategy.

  • Editing Made Simple: To modify the standard shipping method, click the three dots on the right and select 'Edit'. You'll be presented with a pop-up where you can adjust:

    • Shipping Type: Set as a fixed flat rate.

    • Amount: Determine the shipping charge, from $0.00 onwards.

    • Description: This will be visible in your online store, providing customers with clear information about this shipping option.

    • Estimated Shipping Time: Optionally specify the estimated shipping duration to set clear expectations for your customers.

Adding New Shipping Classes:

  • Quick Addition: Introduce new shipping classes to cater to various customer needs by selecting 'Add New Shipping Class' at the top right of the dashboard.

  • Comprehensive Customization: Similar to editing the standard method, define the Shipping Type, Amount, Description, and Estimated Shipping Time for each new class.

  • Visibility at Checkout: All created shipping classes will be available for customers to choose from during the checkout process, ensuring a tailored shopping experience.

Leveraging Penni Cart's shipping management tools allows you to fine-tune your delivery options, ensuring your offerings meet both your business requirements and your customers' expectations for a seamless online shopping journey.

How To Edit A Shipping Class

Last updated